Shiva is eternal bliss....... The son of Shiva has the strength of a million elephants......He serves His Divine Mother.....The one who serves His Divine Mother attains Him.....He is Ganesha.....He is the Golden Light of the Highest wisdom.......The one who becomes aware of Him reaches Shiva instantly.
The one who wishes to reach Shiva worships the Mother of Ganesha who holds in Her Hands the weapons of spiritual discipline.....the flowers of the spiritual wealth of values and the grace of awareness of the Atmic truth....She is Shakti.......She carries Her devoted ones across the seas of delusion.....She grants anything to the one who remembers Her son and serves Shiva as his only Master........She stands tall upon the mountain of faith that is surrounded by the fires of purity........
Within each Atma Shiva (atmic bliss) alone resides....
One becomes aware of Shiva the moment he fills his life with spiritual discipline......spiritual values........and seeks earnestly the Higher truth......
Shiva is pleased when one lives in the simplicity of the Highest wisdom(Ganesha).......
Shiva tests His devoted ones so they can receive the grace of Mother Shakti......
Mother Shakti Herself comes and protects the one who has given himself to Shiva.......With faith and purity She clears his way......She surrounds him with the golden light of Her son.........And Her son clears the obstacles that come in the way between his devotion and His Master ......His Lord.......Shiva......
Shiva and Shakti appear before their devoted ones from time to time whenever there is injustice .....
Wearing the garbs of ochre they serve their children taking upon themselves their pain......
The Highest truths are revealed to the ones who they have graced......It is those children that turn their other brothers and sisters toward a life to serve Shiva with courage humility and goodness....
No one can seperate themselves from Shiva.......Even the one with the most wretched acts can be purified by His name.....
Shiva is the beginning.......the middle and the end of all creation.....
It is His play to play and then return all to ash........Nothing remains other than Shiva.......
Shiva is unending bliss..........Even a tiny glimpse of Shiva can make you a master of the Highest wisdom.....
No one can escape the eye of Shiva.......The one who attempts to hide from His eye enters the hell of fear.....
His devoted children offer to Him the poison of attachment.....He smiles, drinks the poison, and offers to them the nectar of infinite peace.....
All is Shiva.....The power of delusion is also Shiva.......While He deludes you for a moment He grants lifetimes of spiritual knowledge......
Shiva (atmic bliss) is wedded to Shakti (purity).......There is no Shiva without Shakti........There is no Shakti without Shiva.....
Their spiritual union gives birth to the Ganesha (the eternal light of wisdom)
The one who goes beyond the mind.......intellect.....sense....sense organs......ego........attain Supreme Conciousness (Ganesha).....
Beyond this Supreme Conciousness is Shivam.......
None have yet returned to describe and speak where Shiva alone exists.......
Shiva is eternal bliss............